As predicted, the snow leopard stayed close. The general pattern is that they will feed from a kill over the next 3-5 days. The spotters have identified the cat high in the rocks above the farm. This is a new animal, not one of the 3 we were watching earlier across the valley. This is an adult female that normally lives in the next valley, but she is here with us and we are not complaining. The cat is high on the ridge, sheltering under some boulders. We spend a long day watching events from the farm.
A large flock of red billed choughs entertains us for a while. There must be hundreds of them wheeling in the sky, and landing for periods among the rocks and stunted bushes on the slopes.
Then, suddenly, late in the afternoon, the cat makes its move. In just a few seconds of fluid feline grace it flows down the boulder strewn slope and reaches the kill. Fantastic. And this time it is close enough to see (though still rather far for photography when you don’t have the BBC’s budget for cameras and HUGE telephoto lenses)
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