2018-10-23 Balingup & Bubbulmun Track

Today is a rest day. I took the afternoon to explore part of the Bibbulmun track to the North of town. Heading along the valley bottom it is clear that there are lots of dead and dying trees along the stream. This seems to be a common phenomenon around this corner of Australia.

As I headed up the hill beside the pine plantation I found a very obliging bobtail lizard. Rather than run away, it hung around, happy to hiss and wave its tongue at me. Actually it only opened it’s mouth if I held my hand over it, which made getting photos a bit of a challenge – my arms were not quite long enough to wave over the lizard whilst simultaneously holding the camera to frame the lizard. I did my best.

Further up the slope I found a shiny beetle.





By the time I reached the plateau, wandered the track for a couple of km and photographed some ferns and some Drossera (sundew) it was time to head home.








As usual there are larger photos in a gallery at https://photos.app.goo.gl/5N8emGiyvppreGd8A