Finally, we have a change to get away from the city. Covid numbers seem to have stabilised around 1100 cases a day in Victoria, the borders of NSW and ACT are open to those double vaccinated. So it is time for a break.
Our first leg took us via the Redwood Forest near Warburton, a place we keep meaning to have a look at but never get round to it. It has a splendid grove of redwoods. Arriving, as we did, in the middle of the day, there were lots of people there, and the picnickers were dwarfed by the soaring trees.

From the redwood forest we took the scenic route via Poweltown down to East Gippsland and our destination in Lake Tyers Beach. There we shared a couple of enjoyable days with our neighbours’ in their country residence.

As usual I have posted a gallery at
From Lake Tyers we headed via Cann River, up the Monaro Highway. All along the road we saw extensive evidence of the fires of the 2019-2020 fire season. Lots of areas had very heavy burning, with dense epicormic regrowth. In places the fire had killed the trees. We didn’t stop to explore these areas due to the rain. Once up to the Monaro Plains we were struck by how green the area was. Usually by December the grasses are dry and and brown. This really is a La Niña year.

In Canberra we spent our first day exploring the Botanic Gardens and then birdwatching at the Jerebombera wetlands.
Next day Steven took us to the National Portrait Gallery for the “living memories” exhibition, then in the afternoon to see Lake George, which, unusually, has water in it at present. The threatening skies made for an interesting view.

A gallery of our first couple of days in Canberra:
Dawn bicycle rides around the lake, museums and galleries, wildlife watching … lots to see and do. We managed to catch up for a walk and dinner with our good friend Julian. And a family brunch with all the Canberra clan. Very pleasant. and we capped it off with a picnic at Tidbinbilla with Mel and children. Lots of fun.

Here are links to the final Canberra photo gallery:

From Canberra we headed south through Cooma then out towards Mallacoota Inlet, an area that was severely affected by bush-fires in the 2019-2020 season. Over 120 homes were burnt in Mallacoota Inlet, and the residents were evacuated by sea. Now the township seems to have recovered, at least on the surface. We supported the local economy by getting dinner in town (rather good fish and chips) before heading south along a very potholed track to Shipwreck creek for our night’s camp.

From Mallacoota we headed west along the coast. We dropped in on our friends Monty and Helen at Valencia Creek for a quick cuppa and ended up invited to the community christmas party, a lovely, friendly affair, complete with Santa arriving on the CFA fire truck. and then a lovely overnight stay.

For lots more photos and annotations go to