We headed off to Lake Tyers Beach to stay at our lovely neighbours’ country residence, with Viv, Steph and Rory (and dogs). We had a lovely time, enjoying the beach-side environs, and took a trip to visit Buchan Caves nearby.

From Lake Tyers Jill and I headed north to Canberra (Viv, Steph and Rory returned to Melbourne). We took the Suggan Buggan road along the Snowy River. Very pleasant.

We headed onwards to Canberra where we had a lovely stay with Steven and Judy, with bushwalks, nature watching, museums and art galleries. All very pleasant.

Time to head south, so we took a circuitous route through the snowy mountains, via Cabramurra and Beechworth. Lots of burnt areas from the previous year’s bush-fires was evident, and Cabramurra was closed from fire damage.

For lots more photos, see the gallery at https://photos.app.goo.gl/dFGGk8R6UGaMCgdb6